// Dependencies
const util = require('util')
let request = util.promisify(require('postman-request'))
// Includes
const options = require('../options.js')
const settings = require('../../settings.json')
const cache = require('../cache')
const getHash = require('./getHash.js').func
// Args
exports.required = ['url']
exports.optional = ['options', 'ignoreLoginError']
// Define
request = request.defaults({
forever: true,
agentOptions: {
maxSockets: Infinity
simple: false,
gzip: true,
timeout: settings.timeout
// Docs
* ✅ Send an http request to url with options.
* @category Utility
* @alias http
* @param {string} url - The url to request to.
* @param {object} options - The options to send with the request.
* @param {boolean} ignoreLoginError - If any login errors should be ignored.
* @returns {Promise<string>}
* @example const noblox = require("noblox.js")
* const body = await noblox.http("https://roblox.com/login", { method: "GET" })
function http (url, opt) {
if (opt?.headers) {
opt.headers = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(opt.headers).map(([k, v]) => [k.toLowerCase(), v])
if (opt && !opt.jar && Object.keys(opt).indexOf('jar') > -1) {
opt.jar = options.jar
if (settings.session_only && opt && opt.jar) {
if (!opt.headers) {
opt.headers = {}
opt.headers.cookie = '.ROBLOSECURITY=' + opt.jar.session + ';'
opt.headers['x-api-key'] = opt.jar.apiKey
opt.jar = null
if (opt && opt.verification) {
if (!opt.headers) {
opt.headers = {}
const verify = '__RequestVerificationToken=' + opt.verification + ';'
if (opt.headers.cookie) {
opt.headers.cookie += verify
} else {
opt.headers.cookie = verify
if (url.indexOf('http') !== 0) {
url = 'https:' + url
return request(url, opt)
exports.func = function (args) {
const opt = args.options || {}
if (typeof opt.jar === 'string') {
opt.jar = { session: opt.jar }
const jar = opt.jar
const depth = args.depth || 0
const full = opt.resolveWithFullResponse || false
opt.resolveWithFullResponse = true
const follow = opt.followRedirect === undefined || opt.followRedirect
opt.followRedirect = function (res) {
if (!args.ignoreLoginError && res.headers.location && (res.headers.location.startsWith('https://www.roblox.com/newlogin') || res.headers.location.startsWith('/Login/Default.aspx'))) {
return false
return follow
return http(args.url, opt).then(function (res) {
if (res.statusCode === 403 && res.headers['x-csrf-token'] && Object.hasOwn(opt.headers ?? {}, 'x-csrf-token')) {
if (depth >= 2) {
throw new Error('Tried ' + (depth + 1) + ' times and could not refresh XCSRF token successfully')
const token = res.headers['x-csrf-token']
if (token) {
opt.headers['x-csrf-token'] = token
opt.jar = jar
args.depth = depth + 1
return exports.func(args)
} else {
throw new Error('Could not refresh X-CSRF-TOKEN')
} else {
if (depth > 0) {
cache.add(options.cache, 'XCSRF', getHash({ jar }), opt.headers['x-csrf-token'])
if (res.statusCode === 302 && !args.ignoreLoginError && res.headers.location && (res.headers.location.startsWith('https://www.roblox.com/newlogin') || res.headers.location.startsWith('/Login/Default.aspx'))) {
throw new Error('You are not logged in')
return full ? res : res.body