class TimeoutError extends Error {
* A basic replacement for the Bluebird 'timeout' method. Returns a Promise which will resolve or reject with the result of the given
* promise once it resolves, or reject if the promise should fail to resolve within the supplied timeout. An optional reason
* can also be supplied.
* @param promise - The Promise to apply a timeout to.
* @param timeoutTime - The timeout to apply to the Promise.
* @param reason - Optional String reason for the timeout.
* @returns {Promise<unknown>}
function timeout (promise, timeoutTime, reason = 'operation timed out') {
let timer
const timeoutPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
timer = setTimeout(function () {
return reject(new TimeoutError(reason))
}, timeoutTime)
// We return the first promise to complete. If it resolves normally, the normal promise completed - so we cancel the timer
// to prevent any unnecessary hanging waiting for timeout timers.
return Promise.race([promise, timeoutPromise])
.finally(function () {
module.exports = timeout