// Includes
const http = require('../util/http.js').func
exports.required = ['group']
exports.optional = ['actionType', 'userId', 'sortOrder', 'limit', 'cursor', 'jar']
// Docs
* 🔐 Get the audit log for the group.
* @category Group
* @alias getAuditLog
* @param {number} group - The id of the group.
* @param {("DeletePost" | "RemoveMember" | "AcceptJoinRequest" | "DeclineJoinRequest" | "PostStatus" | "ChangeRank" | "BuyAd" | "SendAllyRequest" | "CreateEnemy" | "AcceptAllyRequest" | "DeclineAllyRequest" | "DeleteAlly" | "DeleteEnemy" | "AddGroupPlace" | "RemoveGroupPlace" | "CreateItems" | "ConfigureItems" | "SpendGroupFunds" | "ChangeOwner" | "Delete" | "AdjustCurrencyAmounts" | "Abandon" | "Claim" | "Rename" | "ChangeDescription" | "InviteToClan" | "KickFromClan" | "CancelClanInvite" | "BuyClan" | "CreateGroupAsset" | "UpdateGroupAsset" | "ConfigureGroupAsset" | "RevertGroupAsset" | "CreateGroupDeveloperProduct" | "ConfigureGroupGame" | "Lock" | "Unlock" | "CreateGamePass" | "CreateBadge" | "ConfigureBadge" | "SavePlace" | "PublishPlace")=} actionType - The action type to filter for.
* @param {number=} userId - The user's id to filter for.
* @param {SortOrder=} sortOrder - The order to sort the logs by.
* @param {Limit=} limit - The maximum logs per a page.
* @param {string=} cursor - The cursor for the page.
* @returns {Promise<AuditPage>}
* @example const noblox = require("noblox.js")
* // Login using your cookie
* const rankLogs = await noblox.getAuditLog(1, "ChangeRank", 2, "Asc")
function getAuditLog (group, actionType, userId, sortOrder, limit, cursor, jar) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const httpOpt = {
url: `https://groups.roblox.com/v1/groups/${group}/audit-log?actionType=${actionType}&cursor=${cursor}&limit=${limit}&sortOrder=${sortOrder}&userId=${userId}`,
options: {
method: 'GET',
resolveWithFullResponse: true,
return http(httpOpt)
.then(function (res) {
const responseData = JSON.parse(res.body)
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
let error = 'An unknown error has occurred.'
if (responseData && responseData.errors) {
error = responseData.errors.map((e) => e.message).join('\n')
reject(new Error(error))
} else {
responseData.data = responseData.data.map((entry) => {
// We need to set milliseconds to 0 because Roblox does this fascinating thing
// Where they vary the ms value on each request, for an existing action.
entry.created = new Date(entry.created)
return entry
}).catch(error => reject(error))
// Define
exports.func = function (args) {
const jar = args.jar
const actionType = args.actionType || ''
const userId = args.userId || ''
const sortOrder = args.sortOrder || 'Asc'
const limit = args.limit || (100).toString()
const cursor = args.cursor || ''
return getAuditLog(args.group, actionType, userId, sortOrder, limit, cursor, jar)