

const http = require('../util/http.js').func
const getGeneralToken = require('../util/getGeneralToken.js').func

exports.required = ['universeId', 'name', 'priceInRobux']
exports.optional = ['description', 'jar']

// Docs
 * 🔐 Create a developer product.
 * @category Game
 * @alias addDeveloperProduct
 * @param {number} universeId - The id of the universe.
 * @param {string} name - The name of the developer product.
 * @param {number} priceInRobux - The price of the product.
 * @param {string=} description - The description of the developer product.
 * @returns {Promise<DeveloperProductAddResult>}
 * @example const noblox = require("noblox.js")
 * // Login using your cookie
 * noblox.addDeveloperProduct(1, "A Developer Product", 100, "A cool item.")

const nextFunction = (jar, token, universeId, name, priceInRobux, description) => {
  description = description || ''
  return http({
    url: '//' + universeId + '/developerproducts?name=' + name + '&description=' + description + '&priceInRobux=' + priceInRobux,
    options: {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'X-CSRF-TOKEN': token
      resolveWithFullResponse: true
  }).then(function (res) {
    try {
      const json = JSON.parse(res.body)
      if (res.statusCode === 200) {
        return json
      throw new Error(json)
    } catch (err) {
      throw new Error(res.body)

exports.func = (args) => {
  const jar = args.jar

  return getGeneralToken({ jar }).then((xcsrf) => {
    return nextFunction(jar, xcsrf, args.universeId,, args.priceInRobux, args.description)